• Registration forms are available on request at our office or can be sent to you via mail, please send a mail to request. • To register for any of our open courses, kindly fill out a form sent to you and send it back to our office or through email. Payment should accompany the form or should be made shortly on or before the Training. • We will be unable to confirm any registrations without full payment. • Minimum Class Size is 20 • Enrollment fees are payable by cheque, bank transfer or cash. HOW TO PAY Payment should be made by cash in favour of ENVIRO-SOFTSKILLS CONSULT ACCESS BANK ACCOUNT NUMBER 0011525668Account either by check, bank transfer or cash LAGOS VENUE Our Lagos venue is 15A Sule Abuka Cresent,Off Opebi Road, Ikeja Lagos. We look forward to receiving your nominations. For more information Contact Enviro-SoftSkills Consult (ESSC)on 08027597132 & 08156530287 or by emailenvironmentessc@gmail.com or ogafemimat@gmail.com

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